This is one of the most important questions that an entrepreneur asks himself when devising or having a product with which he wants to generate a change in the market. But the main challenge that companies should identify is whether or not they have an Effective Value Proposition.
But how is it possible to achieve and generate impact on users with so many media, formats and competition around us? It is not a secret that nowadays everyone talks about generating value, supplying needs, desires and creating relevant and specific content for the user each time. But when we sit down to carry out this type of action, we have to go back a few steps and think if your proposal explains this: What is it? For whom? How is it useful?
To think and write a good value proposition, you should consider the following:
1.What do you offer as a company and what are your benefits.
2. What makes you valuable in front of others.
3.What is the main problem your client has. Be careful with the main one; don’t put several because it will be much more difficult to work on what really matters.
4.How your benefit connects with your buyer’s problem.
5.How can you be your client’s favorite over others.

These steps do not work alone and it is a mistake to think only of the value proposition for the client, we must also think and unite what is the value proposition of your employee. An example could be: Your proposal to a customer is to solve or supply a need, the value proposition to the collaborator, would be what will be the reward that he will receive for getting your customer to buy. Everything is linked and is a set of actions that have the same weight in the balance, in order to stand out against your competition.
If you can’t differentiate yourself from others, then reinforce yourself, some proposals to work would be: free shipping, fast shipping, no contracts, personalizing the product and / or service (For us it is one of the best tactics to differentiate yourself on the market) discount prices for vip clients or frequent clients, exclusive content through subscriptions, interact with the user and make them part of the brand, among others.
Do you want to create or test if your value proposition really works? , let’s talk and do it together.