Most companies today talk about making the client fall in love, delighting him, offering experiences, value and, above all, trust in the product or service that is being offered. But they do not know the process and method to carry out an implementation in an optimal way and more so in the last decade.
Businesses have changed, the way of selling is not the same and the public we are talking to is no longer the same. The knowledge and satisfaction of purchasing has been completely transformed.
Anyone can create a brand, but that this one, connects with the public you want to reach, stands out from others and seduces your user is not a piece of cake. From our perspective everything has a sequence, everything has a process and of course everything has methodology specially in marketing. You should not shoot cartridges into the air, you have to always have an action and reaction plan, because remember that the most valuable thing when you do a process is to put yourself in the other’s shoes as well.
There is a value method that allows you to market, sell and help your customers in an optimal way, in order to take the business to the next level, or if you want to start doing it step by step, which from our point of view will reflect the growth of your company.
The methodology consists of 3 stages: Attracting, interacting and delighting, is a task that requires effort and commitment. This method and the Marketing hub will lead you to the success that everyone wants to achieve.
Attract: It is not reaching many; it is reaching those who are, with relevant content, personalized attention and knowing specifically what their needs are.
Interact: With technology on the rise, make your client fall in love. Call him, send him messages and specific purchase opportunities. For this it is necessary to have good CTA (call to action) specific information forms and a well-armed Costumer Journey so that your client completes all the action. This will ultimately make you fall in love, build loyalty and generate brand recall.
Delight: Try to offer him what he thinks he needs, give him information at the right time, generate conversation with him, make him part of his family, create content through channels where he feels comfortable sharing it with his circle of friends or family and this helps you to them to become part of your brand too.
This is a process worth trying and more so now that everything is changing so fast and brands must keep up with the way the world is currently moving,